There is no need to register and no charge for
attendance at moonlodges, work/learn days, and work days. All
other classes require pre-registration and fees. Register
Events in bold are Weed's workshops away from home.
Please contact sponsors for info. All other events are at the Wise Woman Center.
April 2: Story-telling Circle at the Virtual Women's Wellness Series; contact herbwomen@gmail.com
April 19: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Early Spring Group begins (application required)
April 23-24: Work-exchange Weekend
April 29: Moonlodge
April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
May 14-15: Work-exchange Weekend
May 10: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Spring Group begins
May 20: Moonlodge
May 21: Lyme: Prevention and help with poke, Hypericum, teasel, knotweed and more clover
May 22: Herbs in Your Garden Hands-on: Best herbs to plant; best weeds to "cultivate" (free plants)
* * May 27-29: Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - in person - www.midwestwomensherbal.com
June 4: Work-exchange Weekend
June 7: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Early Summer Group begins
June 10: Moonlodge
June 11: Herbal Pain Relief: CBD, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan's wort, arnica, meditation, sweet clover
June 12: Anti-inflammatory Herbs: Soothing, cooling allies including linden, ginger, turmeric, willow
July 2-3-4: Work-exchange Weekend
July 5: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Summer Group begins
July 7-10: Green Witch Holiday
July 8: Moonlodge
July 30-31: Work-exchange Weekend
August 1-7: Green Goddess Apprentice Week
August 5: Moonlodge
August 9: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Summer Group begins
August 13-14: Work-exchange Weekend
August 19: Moonlodge
August 20: Holy Ferment Hands-on: Taste and make herbal wines, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, yogurt, moree
August 21: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the greatest herbal remedies.
September 3-5: Work-exchange Weekend
September 6: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Autumn Group begins
* * Sept 9-11: Goddess Festival with Z Budapest, La Honda, CA - www.goddess-fest.com
September 23: Moonlodge
September 24: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON: Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades
September 25: Magical Plants Hands-On: Visionary herbs, pillows, flying oils, love potions
October 7: Moonlodge
October 8: Seeds & Roots Hands-on: Amaranth, lamb's quarter, plantain, burdock, yellow dock, lots moree
October 9: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
* * October 15: West Virginia herb conference - Contact: barb@withthespiritofthehorse.com
November 4: Moonlodge
November 5-6: Work-exchange Weekend
November 19-20: Work-exchange Weekend
December 3-4: Work-exchange Weekend
register for a workshop:
send your deposit (see specific workshop for amount),
contact information and the workshop you want to attend to:
Susun Weed PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY 12498
For questions, fax: 1-845-246-8081.
You can register with a credit card online: www.herbalmedicinehealing.com

2022 Intensives at the Wise Woman Center
July 7-10: Green Witch Holiday
August 1-7: Green Goddess Apprentice Week
2022 Classes with Weed
April 30: Woodland Wonders: Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica and more.
May 1: Spring Tonics: Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch
May 21: Lyme: Prevention and help with poke, Hypericum, teasel, knotweed and more clover
May 22: Herbs in Your Garden Hands-on: Best herbs to plant; best weeds to "cultivate" (free plants)
June 11: Herbal Pain Relief: CBD, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan's wort, arnica, meditation, sweet clover
June 12: Anti-inflammatory Herbs: Soothing, cooling allies including linden, ginger, turmeric, willow
August 20: Holy Ferment Hands-on: Taste and make herbal wines, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, yogurt, moree
August 21: The Great Remedies Hands-on: Identify, harvest, prepare and use the greatest herbal remedies.
September 24: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON: Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades
September 25: Magical Plants Hands-On: Visionary herbs, pillows, flying oils, love potions
October 8: Seeds & Roots Hands-on: Amaranth, lamb's quarter, plantain, burdock, yellow dock, lots moree
October 9: Adaptogens Hands-on: Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens
April 29 ~ May 20 ~ June 10 ~ July 8 ~ August 5
August 19 ~ September 23 ~ October 7 ~ November 4