I have recently had a complete hysterectomy. Stupid me!!!
Now I am suffering and paying a price too big to pay. I am
on Estratest HS but am still suffering from estrogen deficiency
that my allopath will not treat due to high blood pressure.
I have sought the services of a naturopath but as is the
case with natural medicine, things go slowly and I now await
the results of hormone level tests. There are so many things
I feel that I definitely want to supplement with natural hormones---I'm
sick of hurting for the natural act of making love, do not
enjoy the itching, burning and thin vaginal skin that wants
to bleed, and do not want to have to constantly be "fussing"
with creams and salves and lubrications.
But guess what--- there is so very little about those of us
who have no ovaries to support and WANT supplementation know
you work with herbs and I do take them. (Lord is black cohosh
terrible tasting!!!) However, we, some of us would appreciate
knowing how and where we can find more natural hormone therapy
for supplementation, and then the herbs to support that.
thanks, Crowdancer
Susun's Response: herbs: use simples for
safety; links for you on soy
Dear Crowdancer
Do you have any of my books? In the introductory material
there is a section on using herbs safely. Please reread that.
In it I divide herbs into four categories: (1) nourishers,
(2) tonics, (3) stimulants and sedatives, and (4) potential
poisonous. Nourishers can be taken daily for long periods
of time. Tonics are best used rhythmically, not daily, and
sometimes only once or twice a year. Stimulants and sedatives
are to be used only as needed. And poisons are used in tiny
doses only occasionally.
Additionally, it best not to combine herbs in a category and
to be cautious combining anything other than nourishers with
drugs (or hormones). Black cohosh is a great herb, but not
when mixed with two other tonics.
You don't say what form of these herbs you are using and that
makes a big difference as well in the safety and the results
Two articles I have written may be of further help. "Using
Herbs Simply and Safely" coming in the new November newsletter.
And in the October newsletter (at:
) you can read: How Safe is Soy? also try these links:
Soy Online Service: uncovering the truth about soy - New
The Weston A. Price Foundationis your source for independent
and accurate information on diet and health. We support traditional
foodways, organic farming, pastured livestock, truth in labeling,
prepared parenting, nurturing therapies, access to clean certified
raw milk and a ban on soy infant formula. Check out their
detailed Soy Alert pages.
United Soybean Board - Making Your Checkoff Pay Off .... We
are committed to implementing new technologies that will improve
the United States soybean industry in terms of market expansion
and production quality.
Hope this clarifies some of your confusion. I find keeping
it simple -- one herb at a time -- is the safest and most
effective way. Good luck.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
back to Remedies
Bleeding problem
I was at a menopausal seminar you gave at the blue-white
rainbow several years ago and loved it...I now have a young
friend in need of serious help. She is only 30 years of age,
and has had a chronic problem that the medical field has not
been able to solve. Oh, what a surprise.
She is now seeing the "top" gyn in the state and
she is still bleeding to death. They have put her on double-triple
dose of birth control pills, have done routine d+cs. One year
she bled for 10 months.. She has tried chaste tree berry,
and has no relief..
We need the help of someone who knows and cares
please help..please ,as quick as you can..
Susun's Response: blood-stopping herbs
Dear Helen,
The most effective blood-stopping herbs that I know of are:
Shepherd's purse (tincture of the fresh plant): midwives swear
it stops uterine hemorrhage in seconds. I used it to stop
a thirty day bleed during my menopause. (Took about 12 hours
to do it.) Many women have told me it has saved their lives
(and their uterus). A dose is a dropperful, repeated every
two hours
Witch hazel tincture of the bark (not the stuff you buy in
the drugstore, though that is good for external uses). A dropperful
is a dose. It is also taken every two hours. Witch hazel is
a more effective hemostatic, but does not have a special action
on the uterus like shepherd's purse.
Lady's mantle tincture or tea of the fresh or dried leaves
is the supreme uterine tonic, used throughout Europe to help
women with profuse bleeding. It is much slower acting than
shepherd's purse or witch hazel, but elps to insure that the
bleeding does not return. It may be used on a daily basis
for many months and combined with one of the above herbs.
Hope this helps.
Also, I would be glad to answer your questions personally
by phone. I have a free service on Tuesday nights. Call me
at 845-246-8081 between 7:30 and 9:30 pm east coast time and
I will be glad to talk with you. The line is of course busy
most of the time, but keep trying. An auto-redial phone helps!
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
back to Remedies List
Diagnosed with HPV
and genital warts
Dear Susun
It's taking a great deal of courage for me to write this
letter. I feel like I desperately need to talk with you, or
correspond with you about a health difficulty I am having.
I hope and pray with all my heart you receive this letter
and have an opportunity to respond to me.
Before I begin, let me say that I'm in the process of reading
your book, Healing Wise, and I believe it is already having
a life changing impact on me. Thank you!
I have been diagnosed with HPV (human papaloma virus) and
chondoloma (genital warts caused by hpv) I'm in the midst
of an outbreak that is unbearable to say the least. I'm fighting
despair and depression because I've been pushed aside and
put on hold by doctors, who are eager to take my money (which
I have little of) and not meeting my needs at all.
I've undergone cryotherapy (freezing of the cervix) once,
and am guessing will need to go through it again (if I'm ever
lucky enough to score an appointment with these
seems like no one cares).
I'm desperate to find a path to healing, and gain some relief
from this. At this point, every day is a struggle mentally,
spiritually, emotionally, and physically, and still I'm trying
hard to follow your advice and searching for the gifts and
knowledge all this can bring into my life.
I very much want to learn about plants and their medicinal
blessings, but as of right now I'm very much in the dark,
and very much hurting.
Please take the time to reply with a specific plant(s), or
some thoughts, or some steps I should take towards healing.
HELP!! I'm all ears!!!!!I truly hope to hear from you.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge to those
who are hungering to learn about life, health, wholeness.
With Love Sharon
Susun's Response: burdock,hyssop
Dear Sharon,
I hear you. I will write a bit here, but it would be best
if we talk. I have a
free consultation service on Tuesday nights. Call me at 845-246-8081
between 7:30 and 9:30 pm east coast time and I will be glad
to talk with you. The line is of course busy most of the time,
but keep trying. An auto-redial phone helps!
Meanwhile, you may wish to ally with burdock. You could buy
a burdock root tincture at a health food store and take up
to a dropperful of it 2-3 times a day. Of course, you can
also find young burdock plants and dig up the roots and cook
them or make your own vinegar or tincture. That is even more
effective. Burdock is known to help reverse pre-cancerous
changes on the cervix. In addition, red clover infusion (one
ounce dried blossoms steeped for four hours in a quart of
water) has been very useful in restoring health to the cervix.
Hyssop tincture is an anti-viral; so is Hypericum. Either
tincture could possible reverse the HPV.
Hope this gets you off to a good start. And please give me
a call, any Tuesday up until Halloween.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
to Remedies List
Bacterial Vaginosis
and group b strep
I wondered what herbal suggestions you have to deal with
bacterial vaginosis and group b strep?
Susun's Response: Re: antibacterial herbs
My favorite antibacterial herbs are garlic, echinacea, yarrow,
and usnea.
A clove of garlic inserted in the vagina daily for several
weeks may knock out the vaginosis.
Echinacea or usnea tincture can be taken orally to help relieve
infection. A dose is one drop per two pounds of body weight.
Take 2-4 doses a day.
Yarrow tincture can be used topically (do a sitz bath with
a teaspoonful of tincture in a quart of warm water) or orally
(a dose is 15-20 drops up to 4 times a day). Yarrow is effective
against strep. Continue treatment for at least two weeks.
More info on these herbs is in my article about dealing with
anthrax, available at my website.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
to Remedies List
Cysts and Fibroids
Dear Susun,
I was recently diagnosed with a cyst on my right ovary and
2 fibroids. I am 44. Do you have any recommendations on herbal
treatment? Or for a book that has the info. I may need?
P.S. I attended a workshop at your place in Woodstock some
years ago.
Susun's Response: chickweed tincture
Dear Barb,
Lots of women have had good success in eliminating cysts
by taking chickweed tincture. A dropperful 3-6 times a day
should do it. Lemon sized cysts take 2-3 months to dissolve;
dermoid cysts may take 10-12 months to be completely resolved.
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way has a section on dealing
with fibroids. There are no simple easy cures, but chasteberry
tincture, a dropperful taken 2-4 times a day for 3 or more
months (sometimes years) has been helpful for hundreds of
women. Check the book for more suggestions.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
you for your reply.
This is what I'm going to do: ..I've been under a lot of
stress, so I'm going to go through with an exam. I have to
pee--sudden urge and poop 2-3 times to empty out by the end
of the day. I think the fibroid is pressing on the bladder
& colon, things back up and the intestines are pressing
on my lower ribs. My sciatic nerves are new symptoms.
I have 10 days until the exam, the 2 year old pelvic ultra-sound
is being forwarded. 3 cups of nettle infusion have reduced
hemorrhoids. I am going to pray and meditate over this problem,
possibly consult an intuitive (I know 2 good ones, the first
envisioned a round mass several years before the very first
bleeding symptom! ). I have no big pain but look like 6 months
I will consider and additional herb...Yarrow ! or Sequoia.
.Sequoia keeps jumping out at me.. Think I'll call Whole Foods.
Additional comments welcome. I'll let you know about the exam.
Do what you think is right for you. We will be away for the
better part of the month, so won't be able to answer any email.
Sending love
to Remedies List
and Estring
Do you have any information or feedback on Estring? I'm 55
and the pain from vestibulitis is unbearable. I want to take
care of myself the Wise Woman way, and I have made it three
whole weeks without forgetting my nettle and oatstraw infusions,
but I need something to work quickly.
Please help!
Thank you. Martha
Susun's Response: sitz bath?
Dear Martha,
Just back from teaching in Fl. Hope you have found a way to
ease your pain. Never heard of Estring. What is it?
The remedy I would think of is a sitz bath in comfrey leaf
infusion. Also, eating a cup or more of yogurt a day could
Congratulations on drinking your infusions. They will help
you more than you can guess.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
to Remedies List
site is sponsored by Susun
Weed and Ash
Tree Publishing.
Wise, the second Wise Woman Herbal
by Susun S. Weed, author of the Wise
Woman Herbal Series
by Jean Houston. Illustrations
by Durga Bernhard
Paperback - 312 pages (1989) Published by Ash
Tree Publishing
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Superb herbal in the feminine-intuitive mode. Complete
instructions for using common plants for food, beauty, medicine,
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