descriptions -Witch course to choose?
Hi Justine/and or Susan!
I recently sent in for the WW Tradition mail course, and while
it looks like a great course, it wasn't what I had in mind.
What I am looking for is a class where I can study; actual
herbs in depth, wild and cultivated, learn to identify them
in the wild, their use in the WW tradition and magically,
become allies with them. I think I picked the wrong class.
Would the other two fit the description better? Thank you
so much for your time, I hate to be a pain, but the $350 was
a big investment for me and I want to be sure this is the
right class for me.
I know there is a $50 fee for cancellation, or $25 for switching,
and I am cool with that, I just want to get into the right
Bright Blessings, and hope all is well on the farm!
Response: here are descriptions
Dear Jeannie
Yes, sounds like you would prefer either the Green Allies
or the Green Witch course more. Below are description for
Green Witch focuses on personal and spiritual development.
You'll create
rituals, prepare an herbal first-aid kit, encounter your
Goddess archetype,
discover the magic of your menstrual/menopausal changes,
and develop wise
woman ways of living and healing.
Green Allies explores herbal medicine through direct experiences
plants, plant spirits (fairies, devas), and plant medicines.
For those who
want to deepen, rather than broaden, their knowledge of
plants: a year's
worth of investigation and experimentation with one plant
Susun writes, "If you feel you want to increase your
personal power, then
take Green Witch. If you want to learn more about plants,
then sign up for
Green Allies."
Susun is away right now at the International Herb Symposium
in Boston,
otherwise she would write to you herself. She will be here
on Monday to
work with me, and she can answer any further questions you
may have if you
send an email before she is here. Love, Justine (Susun's
Here is a bit more on the two:
Green Witch builds your power in relation to plants and
the planet. The
projects focus on you. They include assignments to read
certain books, make
a medicine chest, do trances, create a beauty parlor, lots
of fun stuff.
Green Allies is the most shamanic of the three correspondence
courses. All
your projects revolve around a single plant which becomes
your ally. You
breathe with your ally, eat it, use it as medicine, make
a book about it,
read about it, speak with it and listen to it, connect with
it in many
ways. Through this green ally, you increase your understanding
of plants,
yourself, and healing. This course is for those who want
to go deep.
Witch course to choose?
Thanks Justine!
I think I am going to cancel out of the class...I don't
want to take the
green witch because I don't want to focus on personal power,
and allies
focuses on ONE herb, and I need a broad study right now.
Thank you so much for your help!
I will send the packet back tomorrow,
Bright Blessings!
Response:Re deep or wide
In focusing on one plant for a year you will learn more
about herbal medicine than by any other method. My teachers
have consistently impressed on me this idea: in learning,
one must choose between a mile wide and an inch deep, or
a mile deep and an inch wide. And the latter is more enduring,
more useful, more conservative of resources. I am very sorry
that you have chosen the former.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
Correspondence course choices
I just found the correspondence course info! You know-
I don't know what to take! I would love to take the green
witch one
.I love that. I have been looking at that
sort of thing for many years
entheogenic plants, legend,
curanderas, plant spirit etc
and it is very, very
interesting to me
But, I should probably take the wise woman tradition course
only because it has stuff in there like
"learn how to do nothing" and deals with the different
aspects of tradition and self etc
I LIKE doing things
so it's probably good to take
the class I find most appealing to my personality
do you think? If you have any insight on this let me know.
All the classes seem good. But because it is really hard
for me to travel around, correspondence is great way to
learn, grow, share and get some credit for effort
noticed there is a class on magic plant May 4 that I would
love to go to
if I can find my way to NY somehow!
All my family lives everywhere else in the country
on the coast or on the border! I have no one to look after
my children, so the correspondence course would be great
I like the payment schedule because I can't pay it all up
Anyway, this is great- but for some reason I had a hard
time finding it before because it is not on the main page
-and there is so much on that site! I probably took off
somewhere along the way! bye!
Love me. Aimee
Response: decision making
Dear Aimee,
here is a little more info on the courses, and a short course
in decision making. Let me know what your decision is. Looking
forward to corresponding with you.
Green Witch builds your power in relation to plants
and the planet. The projects focus on you. They include
assignments to read certain books, make a medicine chest,
do trances, create a beauty parlor, lots of fun stuff.
Spirit and Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition follows
green witch. Once you have built a core of personal power,
it is time to take it out to the world. This course helps
you help others. In it you do projects such as finding advertisements
showing the three traditions of healing, experiencing different
ways of healing in the six steps, and understanding the
differences between nourishing and tonifying herbs, stimulating
and sedating herbs, and herbal drugs.
Green Allies is the most shamanic of the three correspondence
courses. All your projects revolve around a single plant
which becomes your ally. You breathe with your ally, eat
it, use it as medicine, make a book about it, read about
it, speak with it and listen to it, connect with it in many
ways. Through this green ally, you increase your understanding
of plants, yourself, and healing. This course is for those
who want to go deep.
Help for Those Who Find It Hard to Decide
Option One: Flip a coin. Heads is "yes"
and tails is "no." Flip for each course. Repeat
only if there is a tie. (Yes, you can take more than one
course at a time.)
Option Two: Use a tarot deck. Turn up a card for
each course. Which one attracts you? Repels you? Incites
your curiosity?
Option Three: Take three cards from a deck of cards,
each a different suit. Let them represent the three courses.
Shuffle, Choose one card.
What if you get a result you don't want? Great! Now you
know what you do want, which is the point of it all, yes?
Do what you want! That is always the best choice.
Suppose I choose a course and don't like it? Rarely happens,
but you can switch for a $25 fee.
Hope this helps
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
course to take for a menopausal woman?
Dear Susun:
Please add me to your emailing list. As a newly menopausal
woman, which of the three correspondence courses would you
suggest? I notice you have listed some classes; are these
classes at your home/center? or on the computer?
Thank you so much for your books. I honor your work.
Response: experiences to explore
Dear Paula,
Great to hear from you.
My correspondence courses take place through the mail.
My classes are given at my home, the Wise Woman Center,
as well as all over the world.
As for you choice of correspondence course, being menopausal
does not affect which course you would do best with. If
you feel you want to increase your personal power, then
take Green Witch. If you want to learn more about plants,
then sign up for Green Allies. Perhaps you would want to
wait until after menopause to take Spirit and Practice course
since that focuses on helping others and this is a good
time for you to focus on yourself, but if you really wanted
to do that one you certainly could and we could even modify
it especially for you.
The courses are not a set of things to learn, but a group
of experiences to explore.
I look forward to exploring and corresponding with you no
matter which course you elect to pursue.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
for a nursing mom
I have a question for you? What are the options for a
nursing mother, who really wants to dive in? Are Correspondence
courses the only option? Is there any way to apprentice,
and do an intensive?; Also, could you please include me
on your mailing list? is it electronic, or snail mail?
thank you for your time and consideration..
Response: what do you want to do?
It all depends on you and what you want to do. Yes, a correspondence
course would be a good option. You could also take a one
day weekend class. Or, you could do a live-out weed wise
apprenticeship. Or even an intensive, but you must be willing
to make your baby first priority -as always in the first
year or so.
As you know your own limitations and your own desires, it
is best for you to decide how you want to "Dive in".
You might take this time to really slow down on self-expectation
and just buy a few good books and spend time out doors with
the weeds and your baby!!! If you want something in-between,
a correspondence course would be perfect.
You decide, we are here when and if you are ready. You are
now on both mailing lists and so we will not lose touch.
Sending love,
and Classes
Hello, Justine,
thank you for your reply..
My son is definitely my first priority, we spent his first
summer outdoors and I take him out to play with the weeds
whenever possible. He is my light work! He is already almost
one year of age (born in April)'s amazing how fast
time goes by!
I take any extra time I can, to learn and grow within myself--
with him in mind, that it may better his life too. I read
about the green whenever I can.
I guess I was just curious to know whether you would allow/it
might work/anyone else has ever brought their nursling to
a class with them. I could definitely not leave him for
more than a few hours at this point, let alone an entire
day, or travel across the country.
Right now ,I know I could not realistically do an apprenticeship/intensive.
Though it was very exciting for me to read the list of what
is covered...exactly what I want to learn!
I think I would like to do a correspondence course in
my spare time (he's napping). I'm not sure how it will go,
but perhaps it can give me more focus.
well, thank you again. enjoy your day!
recycling love,
Response: Re: mamadays
yes you can come to a workshop with a baby as long as you
keep him happy or take him for a walk when he needs it (crying
loud)....If he is a toddler by then, you need to protect
him from the pond and the goats and geese...the Wise Woman
Center is not a child-proof environment. And, YES, a correspondence
course would be perfect for you now. The beauty of it is
that you can take as long as you want to complete it and
you get to work at your own pace. How perfect.
Love, Justine
and taking a class
I am thrilled about your new payment plan for the correspondence
courses! I have a friend who is excited too.
I have a question, though. I am pregnant and wondered
if this would interfere with the course work. That may sound
dumb, but you never know. I wouldn't think so since most
of the things I have read from Susun have been involving
nourishing herbs. The class I am interested in is, the Spirit
and Tradition of the Wise Woman course.
Please let me know if you think this is suitable for me
and me for you.
thank you!!!
Response: you are fine
Being pregnant will not interfere at all. Being a mother
will, but only because it will take so much time :) One
student had four children while she was taking her course.
It took her almost ten years to complete it!!! But, she
said, it was worth it.
Looking forward to corresponding and playing with you.
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
Courses Adapted
to different Herbs in Different Places
Susun and Justine,
Hello again! I have a couple of questions, actually, I have
more questions than I have answers, but such is life! I
have lost about twenty pounds this year and I would like
to lose a little more. My lower back pain has improved but
I'd like to see a little more relief. The weight loss has
helped. Are there herbs that help in facilitating permanent
weight loss?
Also, I am interested in your correspondence courses.
I am interested in knowing how these courses would adapt
to the climate, plants etc. to the Los Angeles area?
Also, are there tricks to knowing if plants in a city park
are ok to use. I recently picked some dandelions in a nearby
city park and made a really strong infusion (a quart and
a half) with it. I strained it over a day or two of steeping,
the jars sealed so I think it's ok to use. I've tried it
and it is very bitter. Is it suppose to be this way?
Do you know of the weed, poke? I grew up in the South and
I picked it every Spring for salads and stir frying (add
a little egg and bacon.) yum. Does it have any medicinal
properties? Is Dandelion similar?
Thanks for your help.
Blessings, Toni
Response: green blessings
Nourishing herbal infusions are the best ally I know of
for women who want to maintain a healthy weight. Generous
amounts of seaweed in the diet are also helpful. Be aware
that what you consider a good weight and what your body
considers a good weight may not agree. Forcing yourself
to lose weight can be worse for your health that losing
that last ten pounds. (More info on the dangers of weight
loss in my book, New Menopausal Years, available at
My correspondence courses are not place specific. I have
women who live in all areas of the USA, in fact, all over
the world, who are taking these courses with no problems.
Yes, dandelion is supposed to be very bitter. If the weeds
in the park look healthy, they probably are. Poke greens
are eaten only in the early spring and only after being
blanched several times to leach the poisons out. I cover
the medicinal properties of dandelion in Healing Wise. I
have a section about the medicinal uses of poke (root) in
my Breast Cancer? Breast Health! book.
Hope we get a chance to play together by way of a correspondence
Green Blessings, Susun Weed
"The latest Wise Woman Herbal,
Healing Wise, gives more than it promises. I experienced
an invisible cellular knowingness as I read Susun's
words, resonating within the contextual matrix of my
being: soft and flexible, resilient and persistent,
vulnerable and risky, intense and impeccable."
Ann Copson, traditional midwife |